Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Michael & Muthoni


Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Ohhhh my … this is one of my favorite shoots ever! I got the chance to capture the love of one of the sweetest couples I have ever met. And… it was in Kenya! The country I love so deeply. This was so special for me in many ways. Are you ready?

It started when I placed a message on facebook : in february I would be in Kenya and Tanzania to climb mount Kilimanjaro and – after climbing a mountain, eating kilo’s of passion fruits and brushing up my Swahili – I had some time left to do a shoot there. I got a message from Muthoni: she and Michael were expecting their first baby together, and she really wanted to do a maternity shoot. We agreed to go shooting at the place where they got married last year , St Julians in Nairobi .

On a Saturday afternoon we drove out of the busy Nairobi streets, into the tranquil hills surrounding the city . St Julians proved to be a perfect spot for a shoot: many beautiful fields and a very cute little building. The light in Kenya is just a totally different story than in the Netherlands: because Kenya is on the equator, the light is very bright for a very long time, and the sunset is over before you know it. But the light is so beautiful! Michael & Muthoni were really the nicest and easiest people to photograph. They laughed , talked , sang and whispered to each other. They were obviously so happy together and looking forward to their baby. After a break for tea and mandazi we continued shooting untill it was too cold and dark, and then drove back to Nairobi.

Michael & Muthoni, it was an absolute joy to get to know you and spend some time together. I know you will be great parents to little Wambui, and I hope to photograph the 3 of you some time soon!

Kenya lifestyle photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya lifestyle photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya lifestyle photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya lifestyle photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya lifestyle photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya lifestyle photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

Kenya wedding photographer | Nairobi | Muthoni & Michael

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Vol inspiratie voor jullie bruiloft. Maak kennis met mijn liefde voor het vastleggen van de momenten die er écht toe doen